Monday, January 5, 2009

The Netflix Q mission

I've decided I need more in the way of creative outlet. So I thought long and hard (45 seconds or so) about how I should go about it. Turns out, I love movies. And I have a Netflix subscription. And I often like to talk about the quality of the movies I watch with my wife, friends, random strangers, dogs, and pretty much anyone who happens to be around.

So, I figured, instead of subjecting people to an oral rendition of my movie meanderings, that I'd make a blog and write it down. And then maybe it would be less rambling, given that I have the luxury of time and distance from my audience to compose. But no guarantees. I may still ramble, and be complex, and at times, completely incomprehensible.

So, check back from time to time and see if there's anything new here. There's no schedule. I watch my movies whenever I watch them, and then I'll post about it here. From time to time, I may review a movie that I've seen in the theaters rather than on Netflix. But I don't make it to the theater that often, so mostly Netflix.

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